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It is with great joy and pride that we announce our 100th anniversary, which will take place in the coming year. This milestone marks a century of growth, innovation and successful collaborations. What makes this anniversary extra special is that it follows the acquisition of Jan Krediet by Logistics Plus earlier this year, where we joined forces to become an even stronger and more innovative company.


A family business rooted in history

Jan Krediet’s story begins in 1924, when Jan Krediet Sr. started transporting goods with a boat and horse and cart. What started as a modest family business in local courier services soon grew into a respected transporter of rattan furniture with national prominence. The hard work and dedication of the Krediet family laid the foundation for Jan Krediet’s success and the foundation to grow and prosper.

The development of Jan Krediet

Over the past century, Jan Krediet has continuously adapted to the changing needs of our valued customers and the dynamic logistics industry. As a result, we have evolved from a national transportation company to a leading player in the world of innovative global logistics solutions. Our commitment to innovation has always been an integral part of our business operations, along with the aspiration to be at the forefront of our industry. This continuous development has enabled us to offer an ever-widening range of services to support our customers in their national and international expansion. As a result, we are not only able to grow with our clients, but also to actively contribute to their long-term success.

A word from the CEO, Klaas Slim

CEO Klaas Slim, is proud of the upcoming anniversary and looks forward to celebrating. “Reaching our 100th anniversary is a great achievement and it embodies Jan Krediet’s rich history and promising future. The coming anniversary year will be a period of celebration and sharing. We will organise various initiatives and events to celebrate our 100th anniversary and to show our appreciation to the people who have made this possible.”

Looking back on a rich history, looking to the future

And while we look back on our rich history with pride, we realise that the future is equally important. We will continue to improve our services, innovate and respond to our customers’ needs. Together with Logistics Plus, we are ready for the challenges and opportunities ahead, and we are determined to achieve even more successes in the years to come. We look forward to a promising future for Jan Krediet.